Writer and Other Things

“Because no battle is ever won he said.  They are not even fought.  The field reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.”

- William Faulkner

 Writing, as if For Life – Privacy Agreement

 The goal of this course is to inspire and support the writing process, inviting students to explore every aspect of their literary ambition, along with the challenges associated with achieving those goals. To be successful in this endeavor, we intend to provide a trusting space where free inquiry, expression, and discussion will thrive. As such, each student must read and agree to the following terms before signing up for the course. 

-       All course materials and lecture notes are the property of the course instructor(s) and cannot be reused without their permission. 

-       All video capture and transmission, is considered the property of the course instructor(s). Recording and/or redistribution of any kind is strictly prohibited.

-       All student activity and production (spoken/written) is the sole property of the students. Any citation, broadcasting, or reproduction of students’ course interaction is strictly prohibited, unless permission is otherwise granted by the student. 

-       All student tutorial conversation and submitted written work is confidential, unless otherwise noted by the instructor (e.g. a written exercise that is intended for publication within a course meeting), or permission is granted by the student.