“Let your bookshelves be your gardens.”
Dante - Divine Comedy
George Orwell - 1984
Christopher Hitchens - Why Orwell Matters
Augustine of Hippo - City of God, Against the Pagans
Ethan Iverson at NPR - Stanley Crouch, Towering Jazz Critic, Dead at 74
Jon Baskin in the New York Review of Books - The Unbearable: Toward an Antifascist Aesthetics
Jacob Siegel in Tablet Magazine - The New Truth
Thomas Chatterton Williams in The New York Times Magazine - How Moving to France and Having Children Led a Black American to Rethink Race
Jonny Thakkar in The Chronicle of Higher Education - Putting the Political Back in Political Correctness
Anastasia Berg in The Chronicle of Higher Education - Fanning the Flames While the Humanities Burn
Andrew Kay in The Chronicle Review - Academe’s Extinction Event
Meghan O’Gieblyn at The Paris Review - Objects of Despair: Drones